We recently received for the eighth time the “Award for Longstanding Product Quality” from the DLG (the German Agricultural Society) in Cologne. Our regular quality performance at the International DLG Quality Assessments for Milk and Milk Products convinced the panel of experts.

For many years, companies in the food industry have voluntarily had their products tested by DLG experts. In order to encourage this desire for quality for the long-term, the DLG awards the “Prize for Longstanding Product Quality”.

Companies must participate in the international quality tests of the DLG Foodstuffs Test Centre for five successive years and receive at least three awards in each year. From the fifth successful year of participation onwards, the company is awarded the “Prize for Longstanding Product Quality”. If a producer fails to participate or to achieve the required number of awards in one year, that company forfeits its claim to the award.

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